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How Content Delivery Networks Benefits eLearning?

The web is a collection of several data centers or networks. The enormous ballooning of world-wide-web and its related advancements leverage users to access internet from multiple devices. Web servers need to cater numerous user requests from numerous devices and it becomes difficult for web servers to handle multiple workloads when the web servers are located in a single location. This scenario negatively impacts the performance and efficiency of a website as the users are prone to access a wide range of applications including multimedia applications, audio, video, millions of dynamic web pages etc. Efficient and robust network infrastructure is required to handle these multiple workloads, hence CDNs are employed in data centers to balance the load on infrastructure and to swiftly deliver contents to end users.



CDN and eLearning


In the technological era, e-Learning has completely changed the manner by which the learning was conferred to students. Many of the organizations have adopted this system due to the simplicity of the process and accessibility of the material anywhere anytime quickly.

CDN’s enable you to offer a smooth, quick, and consistent experience to the learners regardless of where they may be on the planet. It comprises of various servers which are distributed globally.

For instance, if you are conducting a training program globally, one server should be placed in each participating country and these servers will copy the content of learning management system or websites, enabling a cached version to be available readily. Whenever a new content is added, they are pushed to the servers enabling the servers to stay up to date.  When a learner tries to access a content, the request is automatically redirected to the nearest server, and it immediately sends the cached version to the learner. Data gets transferred quickly with the CDN system as the distance between the client and the server is significantly shorter.

Let’s explore the different methods through which CDN’s deliver the learning materials


On-Demand Video

Learners can choose from a library of video feeds and can be utilized anywhere and wherever it is most advantageous for the learners.


Live Broadcasts

eLearners can tune into live events and ask questions through “Question manager”.


Virtual Classrooms

Possessing a network connectivity and browser, learners can attend and instructors can present from anywhere in the scheduled delivery time. Instructors can make use of different e-learning methodologies and they can poll the audience, receive questions etc while the learners can chat or break into work groups.


Virtual Labs

Virtual labs facilitate real-time practical training for learners. Learners are allowed to pick a suitable time for practice and they can focus on specific skills which they feel they have to enhance before moving to another topic.



These tools allow organizations to identify skill gaps and competency deficits.


Benefits of CDN in eLearning

CDN’s are extensively used in online learning methodologies as they serve content quickly to users from different locations. Organizations by implementing CDN solutions benefits in the following ways.



Learners don’t have to wait too long for accessing their training content as CDNs are faster in responding and delivering content to the end users. They also reduce the strain on servers which improves the overall performance of your system.


Availability and Scalability

CDN’s can be integrated with cloud models and the content remains accessible even in situations such as excessive traffic, server outages etc.



CDN’s facilitate content redundancy which in turn minimizes the errors without the use of additional hardware.


Enhanced User Experience

Majority of the websites redirect learners to correct CDN and navigate to a new URL in a swift of time which facilitates learners to enjoy online learning.



CDN’s also effective addresses data integrity and privacy concerns.

To conclude, CDN’s are seen as an ideal solution in eLearning as they improve response times for content delivery across the servers deployed at multiple locations and many organizations and business have successfully implemented eLearning methodologies with the deployment of CDN.

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